ISO Training | QHSE Services
AKSHAR Management Consultant organizes and conducts ISO training sessions including Awareness Training, Internal Auditor Training & Lead Auditor Courses regularly at Vadodara, Bharuch, Vapi, Ahmedabad, Rajkot and Gandhidham. IMS lead auditor course is online, weekends, it is a time & money-saving opportunity to get 3 qualifications.
ISO Awareness Training
1 day training
Internal Auditor Course
2 days training
Lead Auditor Course
5 days training

Why do IMS lead auditor course? –
Check out this video and learn why should you register for IMS Lead Auditor Course. This video will explain that what are benefits of completing IMS lead auditor course instead of doing lead auditor covers one standard. It is an opportunity for time and money-saving.
QUALITY Training Topics
- Total Quality Management
- Customer Complaint Handling & Investigation
- Setting Quality Objectives and Action Plan
- 7 QC Tools – Solution of Problem
- Six Sigma Awareness
- 5s In Workplace
- Kaizen Lean Management Awareness
ENVIRONMENT Training Topics
- Environmental Legislation
- Environmental Online Compliance based on GPCB XGN
- Environment Aspect & Impact Analysis
- Hazardous Waste Management
- Construction Waste Management
- Biomedical Waste Management
- E-Waste Management
- General Environmental Awareness
SAFETY Training Topics
- Industrial Hygiene
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs)
- Scaffolding/ Ladder Safety
- Safety at Working at Height
- Safety during Operating Material Handling
- Defensive Driving
- FIRE (Types, Prevention, Control & Extinguishers)
- Rescue & Fire Fighting Team Development
- Ergonomics
- Industrial Hygiene
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs)
- Scaffolding/ Ladder Safety
- Safety at Working at Height
- Safety during Operating Material Handling
- Defensive Driving
- FIRE (Types, Prevention, Control & Extinguishers)
- Rescue & Fire Fighting Team Development
Criteria for Faculty Selection…
Engineering background.
Industrial work experience.
Qualified lead auditor.
1200+ man-days of audit experience
Conducted more than 100 training
Exposure to ISO management system implementation.
Completed train the trainer course.
Good command of language.
CQI-IRCA Registered
One of the requirements of most organizations is that they should define and enhance the competency of their people to meet the needs of the product quality, services, customer expectation and their own requirements including environment, health & safety as well. The competency of people can be enhanced through training if delivered effectively by experienced faculty. Otherwise, training would always be a cost to the company rather than believed an investment.
We have a team of experts who possess engineering qualifications and have more than 35 years of work experience in various industries with core competencies in quality, environment, safety and energy. Our faculties deliver experience through training that add value to the system and that is why we are different from others. Our training sessions are always appreciated by participants and the average rating by participants on the quality and effectiveness of training sessions is more than 85%.