Team of Akshar Management Consultant | QHSE Services
The team of Akshar Management Consultant has avg experience is 30+ years from various industrial sectors including chemical, engineering, food & pharma, energy, fertilizers, metal and service. Team of Akshar Management includes consultants, trainers and software, solution developers.
Kailash PARMAR
Consultant + Trainer + Software Developer
- 30 Years of work experience
- 1500+ man-days of 3rd party audit and training
- Lead auditor trainer for Quality, Environment, Safety and Energy management
Snehal Tralsawala
Quality, Safety, Production & Process Excellence
- 30+ Years of work experience from India and abroad
- Completed business excellence from University of California, Berkely (USA)
- Black belt trainer for process excellence and lean management
- Lead auditor trainer for Quality, Environment, and Safety management
- 300+ mandays effort of training execution
Dr. Dushyant UPADHYAY
Quality & Laboratory Management Expert
- 40+ years of experience in the chemical industry
- TQM, QMS expert
- Laboratory Management & Quality Control, NABL
Pravinchandra SOLANKI
Safety Trainer
- BSc (Chemistry) + PGD (Industrial Safety)
- 45 Years of Experience in India & Abroad
- Safety Trainer
Dharmendra THAKAR
Safety Auditor
- BE (Mechanical)
- Dy. Director (DISH)
- Conducted 3rd party Safety Audit, Safety Training
Dr. Shailesh JEPIWALA
Occupational Health Expert
- DHMS, NTMS, MSc (Disaster), CIH
- 36 Years of Experience (Consulting Factory Medical Officer)
- First Aid Trainer – Approved by Govt. of Gujarat
Consultant + Trainer + Software Developer
- Principal Consultant for ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018
- 30 Years of Experience in Quality, Environment & Safety
- Trainer for Awareness Training & Internal Auditor
Madhukar VASA
NABEL Expert
- BE (Mechanical), Energy Expert
- 42 Years of Experience of Power Plant/ Boiler Commissioning, Troubleshooting
- Expertise on Cost Economics through Boiler Performance Optimization
- Ex-member of Boiler Inspection Committee, GOG
Liaisoning Consultant
- 17 Years of liaison with Authorities like GPCB, PESO, DISH, CEE and CMO·
- Proficient in compliance tracking and guidance
- Principal Consultant & Trainer on EHS Legal requirement
Hashmukh Valand
- Carbon Footprint/ GHG Expert
- Environment & Safety Auditor
- 500 mandays Audit Experience
- 35 Yrs of work experience
Food Safety Expert
- Principal Consultant for ISO 9001:2015, ISO 22000:2018
- 26 Years of Experience in Food Safety,
- Trainer for Awareness Training & Internal Auditor
Motivational Speaker
- 1250+ man-days of 3rd party audit and training
- Lead auditor for ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and ISO 50001